

Thank You For Your Donation!


1. Please check your email for your receipt! If you can’t find it, then wait for a few minutes… or check spam folder.

2. If you want a tax receipt, please do the following

  • Email the following info to [email protected]
  • Your full name, Full address (including address, unit/apart #, postal code, city, country)
  • As soon as you email the information we need for your tax receipt, the receipt will be mailed to you. Allow seven to fourteen business days (not including Sat & Sun) for the receipt to arrive.
  • If you did not receive your tax receipt, please email us at [email protected].
  • If you don’t need a tax receipt, then you don’t need to do anything. 

Before You Leave, Please watch this video Below

Once again jazaka’Allahu khairan (& thank you) for donating and helping to maintain the house of Allah.

If you have any questions, email us at [email protected]

Please Join the 1000 Donar Campaign (Watch the Video Above)

Please Help us Reach Our Goal of



Our goal is to become the best masjid (mosque) in the world. We want to expand our online presence as much as possible, so that anyone, anywhere, can benefit from our services. But due to limited budget, we’re unable to expand our services.


Our goal is also to create very short, motivational, and educational Islamic mini courses. So that anyone around the world can boost their eman and learn their deen. These mini courses will either be free or cheap (i.e. $5).


We also want to create a Q&A section or Questions and Answers section, so that who ever have a question regarding the deen, can ask away. However, due to limited staff at Khalid Bin Al-Walid Mosque, we’re unable to do this service.


Currently, we don’t have a strong program for the youth, but we do have some programs such as a youth lounge area, counselling and advising services. However, we want to expand this service so that we can help our youth become a productive member of our community.


We’ve been trying to collect money for the last 3 years in order to expand Khalid Mosque Because we have outgrown our facility.

However, it has been difficult. Not only we have to maintain the current Khalid Mosque project (which is half million a year), we also need another 5-10 million to build the new facility.

If we get 1000 individuals or businesses to pledge $50/month, then we’ll fully focus raising money for the new facility. The New facility will contain huge library for brothers & sisters, recreations center (swimming pool, sports, fitness facility, etc…), cafeteria, and much bigger space for the prayer hall.


First of all, thank you for your donation, insha’Allah, your donation will help. But if you become a monthly donation and join our 1000 monthly donar campaign, then you’ll help us focus more on expanding others services that we currently lack especially the expansion project.

Also don’t forget to follow us on Social Media and get instant updates from us:

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