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Hajj Qiran:

–    Hajj combined with Umrah without coming out of Ihraam.
–    The person is called a Qaarin.
–    Enter into Ihraam with neeyah for ‘Umrah and Hajj.


  • Animal sacrifice is compulsory
  • Some scholars rule that it is a pre-requisite for the pilgrim to have the sacrificial animal with him.  Meaning that if he did not have the animal with him he must perform the Tamattu method instead.
  • Hence, the pilgrim who has the animal with him cannot change his Neeyah.  However, the Qaarin who did not bring the animal with him should change his Neeyah to Tamattu.  Some scholars say it is a must!
  • Upon arrival in Makkah the pilgrim performs Tawaaf-ul-Qudoom (welcome Tawaaf). This is optional, as the pilgrim may go directly to Mina on the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah from his Meeqaat.
  • The Sa’ee for Hajj may also be performed with this Tawaaf (recommended).
  • The Qaarin must remain in Ihraam no matter how long the period between his arrival in Makkah and Hajj may be.
  • The pilgrim is allowed to change his/her (Ihraam) clothes with clean ones (not normal clothes for men, but another Ihram).
  • Those living in Makkah cannot perform this method of Hajj. See ayah (2:196) above.

The Best Method Recommended by the Prophet (PBUH)

There are three types of hajj: Hajj Tamattu, Hajj Qiran, & Hajj Ifrad. All three methods fulfill all the requirements for the Hajj. 

However, the best method is Tamattu’ as recommended and done by the Prophet as narrated in Saheeh Muslim:

When the Prophet performed Tawaaf and Sa’ee during the year of the Farewell Hajj with his companions, he ordered all those who hadn’t brought their sacrificial animals to change their Neeyah for Hajj to Neeyah for ‘Umrah, cut their hair and disengage from Ihraam until Hajj.

He said: [If I had not brought the sacrificial animal, I would have done what I’ve ordered you to do.”

There are some minor differences of opinion on the matter of when a pilgrim performs ‘Umrah during the Hajj months. The issue arises only when the pilgrim leaves Makkah after having performed Umrah.

As an example:

  • The pilgrim comes to MAKKAH AND PERFORMS UMRAH AND THEN LEAVES FOR Jeddah and Riyadh or back overseas.
  • He now returns for Hajj. Can he do Ifrad or is he Tamattu?

Some scholars say that once the pilgrim leaves the meqaat area, Tamattu is “cancelled” and the pilgrim can now do ifrad or have to do ‘Umrah again once he returns in order to do Tamattu. 

Another view is that it doesn’t matter: as long as the ‘Umrah was done in the Hajj months, the person is automatically Tamuttu, even though he left the meqaat area.  Anyway, I only put this here for completeness, as this “problem” does not affect the majority of the pilgrims.

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