Help Us Maintain the House of Allah.
Sadaqah is a means of being healed of sickness. It also extinguishes sins as water extiguishes fire.
Where Your Donations will Go?
Janazah Room | Renovations & Restorations | Masjid Free Servies | Etc.
Donate to keep Khalid Mosque open & running!
Donation Does not decrease your wealth.
How will we spend your donations?
1) Renovations & Restorations,
2) Monthly Maintenance
[Such as Electricity, A/C, Water/Sewage, Phone, Security system, web development, garbage/Snow Removal, cleaning etc.]
3) Free Iftar & Suhuur During Ramadan
4) Eid Hall Rental & Services,
6) Funeral services offered for free
7) Masjid services
[Such as Daily Prayers, Friday prayer, Taraweeh/Tahajud prayer, & other sunnah services such as eclipse prayer or the rain prayer. ]
8) Youth services
[Sunday Program for the brothers, Saturday Program for the Sisters, Gym, Free food, counseling, and other support.]
9) and others…
Do not ignore or underestimate the power of sadaqah!
→ If everyone visiting our site made a one time donation of $90 or $20/month, then
→ we would stop fundraising for this year,
→ & focus more on expanding our services for the Muslims.
[Sahih Jami]
Khalid Bin Al-Walid Mosque serves a large section of the Muslims in Toronto, its vicinity (30,000+ in the GTA), and worldwide. The Masjid opened its doors in Dec 1998 for:
Social Services
Prayer Services
5 daily prayers, friday prayer (khutbah), and other sunnah services such as eclipse prayer (salat Kusoof), rain prayer (salat Istisqa), etc…
Funeral Services
We offer complete funeral services such as Janazah prayer, the washing of the body, transportation, & burial site.
Ramadan & Eid Services:
Other Expenses:

A Message from the Management & Imam

As-Salamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuhu,
First of all, we are most grateful to Allah, and then, to all of our beloved Brothers and Sisters who have donated generously in building the house of Allah.
“Whoever builds a Masjid for the sake of Allah, Allah will build for him or her a house in Paradise.” [Bukhari & Muslim]
Once again, thank you (Jazaka’Allahu Khairan) to everyone who have contributed in whatever way to the completion of Khalid Mosque.
Obviously, without the Help of Allah, we would not be able to have a Masjid today. Wal-hamdullah!
- However, the Masjid is still in need of your generosity and support in order to achieve its goals of serving the Muslim community.
- We will try our best to offer services & programs free of charge with the help of donations.
- Therefore, your invaluable contribution and continuous support would be deeply appreciated and greatly rewarded in the Hereafter.
- Currently, the operating cost of the Masjid is very demanding and challenging.
- We spend between $300,000 to $ 600,000 a year to maintain this house of Allah (you can check this number with Revenue Canada for confirmation).
- This cost reflects a wise and budgeted spending on maintenance, events, major services, administration and the implementation of various Islamic programs and activities.
As such, we are strongly appealing to all Muslims locally and internationally to donate generously towards the maintenance of the House of Allaah.
Spending in the cause of Allah will never decrease your wealth. In fact, it will definitely increase your reward in the Hereafter.
Therefore, we are looking forward for your generous contribution to this cause. Jazaa kumul-laahu khairal Jazaa.
Jazaka’Allahu Khairan,
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have a phone number I can call, if I have a question or two?
Do you have an email address I can contact you?
Can I come to the office to donate?
Is Khalid Mosque registered for donations as tax-deductible? Is my donation tax deductible?
all donations at Khalid Bin Al-Walid Mosque is tax deductible which means donations can reduce your taxable income, and lower your tax bill. However, tax credits can be received by Canadians only.
If you’re not Canadian, don’t worry still give to make a difference. The thoughts counts … plus the ajar from Allah is be greater than any money you get in this world.
Please consider making a sadaqah in order to maintain this house of Allah. Remember, “Donation does not decrease your wealth.”
If you have any questions regarding zakah, sadaqah, charity please call us: 416-745-2888 x. 225
Just in case if we don’t answer your call, then leave a message… and we’ll call you back within 24 to 48 hours. We Promise!