

This page contains the Khalid Bin Al-Walid Mosque hajj flyer, which includes the departure and arrival times, as well as the cost of this year’s hajj, the type of accommodation, the number of days, etc.

QUICK LINKS:  Hajj Home Page  || Required Documents  ||  Hajj Package ||  Forms   ||  Video [Somali]  ||  Hajj Flyer

So, if you want to go hajj with Khalid Bin Al-Walid Mosque Group, please email us at [email protected].

In your emailplease include the followings:

  • Your name,
  • Your phone,
  • the number of people going to hajj.
  • Insha’Allah, we’ll respond back to you in the next 24 hours to 48 hours.
  • Also don’t forget to check your SPAM FOLDER, if you don’t hear from us.

Benefited from this Article, blog, or service, please consider donating something even if it is a one dollar ($1):

Help Us Maintain the House of Allah.

If everyone visiting our site made $27/month donation or one time $97 donation, then we would :

  • Add some cool services to the site for free that would benefit you the most.
  • Create more motivational articles, quotes, lectures you need.
  • We would create HD videos (which means we have to buy the camera).
  • We we will not ask for a donation this year.
  • Our fundraiser would be done immediately because we have the money this year.
  • You helped us maintain the house of Allah.
  • You helped us pay expenses such electricity, lights, water, and others...

Click Here to Donate Now!

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